Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Troy...a one man wolf pack

I know most of the readers have at one point or another been to a bar, who are we kidding unless you are pregnant or have recently given birth you will probably be a bar this weekend. Next time you are there look at your surroundings a little closer. A couple of nights ago, with no wife present, I ventured out to the bar by myself. Sad, yes, enlightening, very; and because the Office was a rerun what else was I going to do?

By the time I arrived, three other lost soul singles were bellied up so I joined them and ordered a drink. As I sip on the Miller Brewing Companies finest lite beer I begin to watch the interaction between a couple of my cohorts. The first guy thinks the bartendress, who is no better than a 5, loves him. ‘No sir, she is fishing for a tip, and you easily will be on a Dateline episode in three years’.

Then there was an Emo girl and dude, who as the night got later, began inching closer together and touching. I understand that being touchy feely is a disease that strikes even the best drunks, but if you are in a relationship, we get it, there is not need to prove that with handholding and kissing. So now I am sure you have a visual of me sitting and staring at everyone in the bar, judging, but what was I suppose to do.

Socially I have never been the outgoing butterfly that I portray in written form. I am more of a social observer than a social interacter. Not to say that I will not mingle I just have to see some benefit from interacting. In no way will I just engage in a conversation if there is nothing to gain. So to the guy in the bathroom at high end adult establishments, a quick hello, he shoots you a towel and breath mint, I slip him a dollar and the conversation was well worth it. However the flip side to this is talking to a semi-attractive girl at a bar while your wife is watching you. Unless she is a wifey friend or has something important to tell you about car headlights then I know all she is doing is fishing for a free drink. 1) No my wife is here, and 2) No, did you not see my wife standing over there about to swoop in like a falcon and rip your head off with her beak.

If you were Curious this Curtis now has a rule against going to a bar by himself unless the girls are paid to be topless.

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