Tuesday, November 9, 2010

down time

Right now I have a few seconds of down time before the day gets off to a busy whirlwind like normal! We are signing our lease papers for the house tomorrow and we get the keys next week! We are about to be super busy for the next nine days doing the following:
1. Finishing packing up all of our stuff..I swear we continue to fill boxes and see little to no progress.
2. Eating the contents of our fridge so we don't have to move a ton of food.
3. Finding a Christmas ornament for the annual Thanksgiving girls exchange. (sounds simple but it's a cut throat challenge for the BEST)
4. Actually getting it together and moving.
5. Heading to Dallas for Cassie's Final Fling before the ring.
6. Getting a gift prior to heading to Dallas for Cassie.
7. Working..that little 8 hour detail every day.
8. I'm sure I'm forgetting something..oh ya we are hosting the last tailgate of the year and everyone we know will be here I think! Hope nobody minds our apartment sans decor!
Whew..I'm tired just typing it! I'm super excited though because my inlaws are coming to help with the big move and will be spending Thanksgiving with my family in Wewoka! It is going to be so great having everyone together in one place, I can't describe how grateful I am to have two amazing families that get along and enjoy each others company! That's all for now..ta ta and Happy Thanksgiving!

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