Friday, January 28, 2011

I will be taking over the blog posts from now on

So finally I have decided to resurrect this blog from obscurity and write it with a zest and hunger that only the namesake Curtis’ can bestow to it.  I know what you all are thinking right now, why do I care what this jackass has to say and even more, I have probably hung out with him and to a lesser extent her and they are pretty boring people except when he gets drunk and inappropriate and you have to laugh at him or else you will be so embarrassed he will be hard to look at.  It’s like that one time I reenacting my good friend Garin’s birth for his mother at a recent graduation party.
So I guess the main purpose of a blog is to muse about what has been going on in our lives and occasionally add a funny quip here or there to make it not seem like the truth.  Truth be told the truthful blog about the Curtis’ would be Monday night sat on the couch drank wine watched tv.  Tuesday-Friday repeat.  Saturday went out until the wee hours of 10:45 with the Wente’s currently our only friends in town came home drank wine on the couch and watched TV until we fell asleep.  If I have learned one thing in my 27 years of life its that to make a story good you just lie or tell it from an odd point of view to make it interesting.  So not only will I lie my ass off, not only to amuse myself but to transport myself into the fantasy life I have always envisioned.  Speaking of fantasy life is it not weird that most things can be looked at as needing to be bigger or smaller to make things better or worse.  Every night I look at my house, the TV, my bank account and Logan and do just that.  For couch sleeping sake I will not answer them here but needless to say; Joey just look down and you will know what I am talking about.
Writing this blog will surely offend a lot of people I know but I try to do that on a consistent basis anyway so I thought on my first entry I would apologize in general to everyone I have met, will talk about, will infer to, or will offend.  Sorry.  Since most of my opening entry has rambled about making entries I will share a small item in my head this week, am I being filmed like I am in the Truman Show.
It’s a question that can never be answered because if I asked anyone, they would be an actor and couldn’t tell me yet I always think Logan must make good money since she has a starring roll.  Was dating other girls like auditions to see who would get the lead.  I would also want to meet the casting director because he casted some odd people.  I did write an entire paragraph about a lady I work with, one of my friends and their casting but deleted it to save face.  So In conclusion think about how long the credits will be at the end of my movie listed in order of appearance.  Semen 1 played by himself Semen 2 played by himself.
After reading this you  no longer have to be Curious.

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