Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Friday night was our 3rd annual ornament exchange with the Seminole girls. I always look forward to these. It is so fun seeking out a crazy, pretty, unique Christmas ornament! This year I won the award for "favorite" I brought a silver glittery owl from CloverLeaf Boutique in OKC. I always find such cool things there! The exchange was held at Kelli Ann's house. This was her 2nd time to host and the 2nd time to be pregnant during the party! Kell is such a great hostess, she had yummy goodies laid out for us to much on while we battled for ornaments. The ornaments I got were from Mica, they were darling silver, glittery curly cue thingy's! They look great on my hodge podge tree! Troy and I love our tree because each and every ornament has a story. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll have a decorative tree once we don't live in a box, but I'll always have the traditional version up somewhere!

After the exchange, we all went to the Elks lodge in Seminole to see our friend Trent's band Left Foot Sally play. They always put on such a great show and it is always great to see old friends and catch up!

Saturday morning, Teresa, Linda, the kids & I went to Nannie's house to decorate her famous Christmas cookies! She isn't able to bake them anymore so Teresa bakes them and we bring them down to ice and sprinkle! It's always fun for the girls and the kids to get together to keep this tradition alive. I can never remember a Christmas without Nannie's famous sugar cookies shaped like trees complete with silver ball sprinkles! I'm so fortunate to have both my grandmother's in my life, they are both such amazing ladies!

Later Saturday night Troy and I attended the 2nd annual OKC Christmas Dirty Santa/Wine/Food party at Garin & Amanda Wente's house. It was so much fun as always! We exchanged terrible gifts, drank wine, played games, ate way too much (and still had food left over) and of course..played SING STAR! I don't know what our life would be like without our OKC family. They are so amazing and we consider ourselves very lucky to be part of such a great group of people.

Sunday was literally the day of rest/catch - up. We did laundry, caught up on the DVR and started a new tradition of our own! Troy and I spent the evening making cinnamon christmas candy! It was so much fun and I think it will be something we will continue for years to come!

That's all for now! Merry Christmas!

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