Thursday, December 17, 2009

Already behind.

So I started this blog last week and I'm already behind! Let's see..
Lizzy went to the ER on Thursday. She had an allergic reaction to her medicine for an ear infection. Troy took her, I relieved him of his waiting room duties shortly thereafter. A shot of benedryl and epi and she was back in action. While we were waiting on the hives to go down, Liz and I were talking of our many adventures to the ER since we've known one another. There was her broken foot, my spider bite, Driggers and I after being rear ended on I - 35 and now an allergic reaction. 4 Trips in 7 years is a bit much I'd have to say. Hopefully that's the last one for awhile.

Update on Liz's ear..turns out it was Staff...eww! Go to the doctor when you are sick..lesson learned.

Friday night Troy and I had my work Christmas party to go to..a good time was had by all in attendance which included the Chick-Fil-A cow. Never a dull moment at SSP!

Saturday we went bowling for Troy's birthday. I'm still a terrible bowler. All of that practice on the Wii has not helped the situation at all.

Sunday I drove to Dallas to attend a concert at the Drigger's church that was wonderful, got to see my buddies & Lexi dog!!

Monday-Wednesday I attended the New Hire Academy at the Learfield Sports headquarters in Plano. I cannot even begin to explain how lucky I feel to be a part of this organization. It is just so refreshing to wake up in the morning excited about going to work and loving everything about what you do!

This weekend I am attending the 3rd annual ornament exchange with the girls from the nole. I am so happy and feel so blessed that we have this tradition and have remained so close over the years.

Saturday night is Christmas in OKC where we will play dirty santa and eat lots of food and well you guessed it drink wine! I love my OKC family and espically the new "kids" Finbar & Harry!

Whew, That was a lot of info..which you may or may not find exciting but that is what's been up with the Curtis Family in the last week! Hopefully I'll be better and get some better stories! ha!

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