Thursday, December 24, 2009

White Christmas!

Troy and I are celebrating our 1st Christmas as mr. & mrs. Under a blanket of snow!

It is making things a little tricky for sure but what a wonderful memory for us to have!

We are in Seminole at my parents house spending time toghether before we brave the roads. My mom put up her famous purple tree again this year and I have to say it's growing on me!

Tomorrow we are supposed to head to Austin but we'll see what the weather does first! Merry Christmas eve!!

UPDATE: this is what it looked like Christmas morning!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just Call Me Betty Curtis...

This year, Troy and I decided to make baskets full of homemade goodies for our family members for Christmas. Great idea, but not so fun in our tiny apartment kitchen with zero counter space. Troy made these yummy spicy pretzels, we made homemade cinnamon candy, & cranberry bread! The candy was so much fun to make, I think it will become a new Curtis family tradition! WARNING: if you ever try this at home, resist the urge to put your hand under the dripping spoon when you remove it from the pot of boiling hot candy...I'm pretty sure I have a SEVERE burn on both my toe and my ring finger. OUCH!

After we created all of these goodies, we wrapped them in individual servings and put them in festive Christmas tins! Everything looks so cute, I'm so excited to give them to everyone to enjoy!

As if that wasn't enough baking, I am in charge of dessert for the Dearing Christmas at my Nannie's & the Streater/Garner/Houghton/Dearing Christmas at Kerri's house. For Nannie's house I made a FROM SCRATCH coconut cream pie. Blind baking the crust was an adventure to say the isn't very pretty, but it's not burnt and I think it tastes pretty good. We'll see how the meringue topping goes this afternoon before I leave... I had a request for Pumpkin Pie from Chase, I won't be creating that one from scratch..Field's makes a lovely one.  For the Streater/Garner..well you get the idea Christmas, we made Troy's favorite Chocolate pie. Before you get too excited, a child could make this pie. Store bought graham cracker crust, layer of cream cheese, powdered sugar & cool whip, then a pudding layer, then a cool whip topping..easiest pie ever! I also made a "better than almost anything cake" recipe courtesy of Mrs. Bridget Crocker aka Bridget Brownback. This cake is wonderful but I'm pretty sure you gain weight just by looking at it so family get ready to grub!!

Aside from never wanting to step foot in my kitchen again...well at least for a few days, I'm SOOO excited for Christmas with all of my family! Our 1st married Christmas is sure to be an adventure! Happy Holidays!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Friday night was our 3rd annual ornament exchange with the Seminole girls. I always look forward to these. It is so fun seeking out a crazy, pretty, unique Christmas ornament! This year I won the award for "favorite" I brought a silver glittery owl from CloverLeaf Boutique in OKC. I always find such cool things there! The exchange was held at Kelli Ann's house. This was her 2nd time to host and the 2nd time to be pregnant during the party! Kell is such a great hostess, she had yummy goodies laid out for us to much on while we battled for ornaments. The ornaments I got were from Mica, they were darling silver, glittery curly cue thingy's! They look great on my hodge podge tree! Troy and I love our tree because each and every ornament has a story. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll have a decorative tree once we don't live in a box, but I'll always have the traditional version up somewhere!

After the exchange, we all went to the Elks lodge in Seminole to see our friend Trent's band Left Foot Sally play. They always put on such a great show and it is always great to see old friends and catch up!

Saturday morning, Teresa, Linda, the kids & I went to Nannie's house to decorate her famous Christmas cookies! She isn't able to bake them anymore so Teresa bakes them and we bring them down to ice and sprinkle! It's always fun for the girls and the kids to get together to keep this tradition alive. I can never remember a Christmas without Nannie's famous sugar cookies shaped like trees complete with silver ball sprinkles! I'm so fortunate to have both my grandmother's in my life, they are both such amazing ladies!

Later Saturday night Troy and I attended the 2nd annual OKC Christmas Dirty Santa/Wine/Food party at Garin & Amanda Wente's house. It was so much fun as always! We exchanged terrible gifts, drank wine, played games, ate way too much (and still had food left over) and of course..played SING STAR! I don't know what our life would be like without our OKC family. They are so amazing and we consider ourselves very lucky to be part of such a great group of people.

Sunday was literally the day of rest/catch - up. We did laundry, caught up on the DVR and started a new tradition of our own! Troy and I spent the evening making cinnamon christmas candy! It was so much fun and I think it will be something we will continue for years to come!

That's all for now! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Already behind.

So I started this blog last week and I'm already behind! Let's see..
Lizzy went to the ER on Thursday. She had an allergic reaction to her medicine for an ear infection. Troy took her, I relieved him of his waiting room duties shortly thereafter. A shot of benedryl and epi and she was back in action. While we were waiting on the hives to go down, Liz and I were talking of our many adventures to the ER since we've known one another. There was her broken foot, my spider bite, Driggers and I after being rear ended on I - 35 and now an allergic reaction. 4 Trips in 7 years is a bit much I'd have to say. Hopefully that's the last one for awhile.

Update on Liz's ear..turns out it was Staff...eww! Go to the doctor when you are sick..lesson learned.

Friday night Troy and I had my work Christmas party to go to..a good time was had by all in attendance which included the Chick-Fil-A cow. Never a dull moment at SSP!

Saturday we went bowling for Troy's birthday. I'm still a terrible bowler. All of that practice on the Wii has not helped the situation at all.

Sunday I drove to Dallas to attend a concert at the Drigger's church that was wonderful, got to see my buddies & Lexi dog!!

Monday-Wednesday I attended the New Hire Academy at the Learfield Sports headquarters in Plano. I cannot even begin to explain how lucky I feel to be a part of this organization. It is just so refreshing to wake up in the morning excited about going to work and loving everything about what you do!

This weekend I am attending the 3rd annual ornament exchange with the girls from the nole. I am so happy and feel so blessed that we have this tradition and have remained so close over the years.

Saturday night is Christmas in OKC where we will play dirty santa and eat lots of food and well you guessed it drink wine! I love my OKC family and espically the new "kids" Finbar & Harry!

Whew, That was a lot of info..which you may or may not find exciting but that is what's been up with the Curtis Family in the last week! Hopefully I'll be better and get some better stories! ha!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here We Go..

Well, I'm not sure how this is going to work..hopefully I can get really good at this. I love reading blogs, I'm just not sure how good I'll be at keeping up with one but we shall see!


The Curtis family was established August 1, 2009 in Oklahoma City, OK at St. Eugene's Catholic Church.

We currently live in the Deep Deuce apartments in Bricktown. Those of you who know us know the story of our home we had for just a minute..Long story short, we were building one..the builder went bankrupt, we live in Deep Deuce. Our dear friend Lizzy lives with us, we like to call her our "adopted daughter." She is amazing and our "Three's Company" arrangement works for us..say what you will about it, we love it!

Troy recently started his own Insurance Agency in Mustang, OK and he is loving being his own boss. It is a huge challenge to start your own business and he faces new experiences each and every day. I am so proud of him for taking this leap and working to provide a great future for us and whatever our family becomes.

I also recently accepted a new position with Sooner Sports Properties selling sports sponsorships for OU. I feel like I'm at home here already, it is such a dream come true to have a career path that you believe in and enjoy! It's so refreshing to wake up excited about what the day is going to bring and what adventure I'll get to experience. My first OU football game as a Staff Member was spent on the sideline. That was after I was out on the field with the players during the coin toss. It was such a cool experience!

Troy and I are hoping to move into our first home..well our first home to actually live in anyway..after the first of the year. Knowing us that could be anytime in 2010 so stay tuned for developments on that. We have decided to move to Norman. Both of us love the community and with my job keeping me into the evenings occasionally for basketball games, coaches shows and game day set-up it just seems like the perfect place to lay down our roots.

I think this is a good start..maybe I can do this blog thing after all.