Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Inspired by Dooce

Thanks to Amanda Wente..I've been slowly working my way through the archives of Dooce.Com. Dooce is a professional blogger and I'm loving her..she in fact has inspired me to resume the blogging. Let's see quick recap of whats been going on lately..

SNOW! Oklahoman's thought that Farmer's Alamanac was crazy..but alas it has been a crazy winter! I've lived here my whole life and have not ever seen a winter like this..but those of you who read this (all two of you) know that.

I think this is going to be a blog post about all of the positive things in our world..(from my perspective of course..Troy never writes)

I'm going to start with Career..
I think I am just about one of the luckiest people ever! I have a job that I LOVE! I get to spend my days with great co-workers..I've inherited four big-brother types, a fantastic boss and Connie who makes the best coffee around and knows how to put the boys in their places! To make it even better, I get to spend my days in my office..inside the football stadium...those of you who know me know this is my happiest place on earth..I love it here! I have met some amazing people since starting this adventure, co-workers all over the country that are so much fun..this sports marketing world is such a unique and special community and I feel extremely blessed to be a part of it.

Lizzy Anderson - "How to describe a Best Friend" Lizzy is one of the single most selfless people I have ever met in my life. She has the biggest heart and has never ever said the word "no" I have to scold her all the time for not ever doing anything for in point I bought her a massage gift certificate for her birthday...almost a year ago, she hasn't even used it. I don't know what my life would be without her. She fills my world with sunshine. I've never met anyone in my life with such a passion for helping people. Helping children in particular. She is one of the single most amazing people ever and I am thankful every single day that I have someone like her in my world.

Kari Bryan - MOH, Best Friend. She has been my friend forever..I can barely remember fighting with her ever..although I'm sure there were some. She is so grounded, she never judges, she is always a shoulder to cry on, a buddy to gossip with, a comfort when I am lost. She keeps me sane, she keeps me grounded she makes me a better person just by knowing her. As the years go on I know she will always be in my life, helping me raise my children, talking sports with my husband so I don't have to and just being family.

Kelli Driggers - Kelli recently has had a little bit of a rough patch..the one who shall remain nameless...broke up with reaction.."WTF! is he crazy? Does he not know how beautiful, special, fun, funny, amazing..etc you are?" My hope for her is to find a prince charming that will sweep her off her feet and NEVER make her doubt her worth not one second of her life. At the same time..I hope that she realizes that she is worth it..all by herself just because she is Amazing, wonderful, thoughtful, caring...beautiful. Inside and out best friend.

Bridget Brownback - Oh Bridge, If there was one great thing that came out of my OPUBCO was you my love. I feel like I have known you my whole life..I think it was fate that we became friends! You are so great! One of those people I can say anything to and I know you will not only forgive my crazy but you will understand completly and have words of wisdom to get me through it! You are so amazing and I am so grateful I have you in my circle!

The Wente Family - I once described us (us as in the four of us) as a "couple" I'm so happy we are still together..You guys make our lives so much more fun! Who else will stay up until all hours and play Mario with us? Who else will come over 5 nights a week just to watch TV and hang out? Without you two OKC would be a dreary put the color in our lives and I have to say I love you for it!

To all the others who were not mentioned by name...You know you each hold special places in my heart and my life and I am eternally grateful for your friendships...

Today was one of those days where nothing really went my way...I feel better taking note of some of the most wonderful things in my life to keep me moving forward!

Tonight, Troy & I are taking Miss Macey to another fun filled OU Basketball game..its so great to watch her light up when she sees Boomer & Sooner running around, or when the crowd cheers!

I vow to blog a least twice/month for the remainder of 2010...well that's the goal anyway! Thanks for listening and have a delightful day!

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